Specifications as per GOST 28673-90
Oats (Avena), a genus of annual, rarely perennial herbaceous plants of the cereal family. It is a food, forage and fodder crop.
Oats are used in the pharmaceutical industry, folk medicine and homeopathy. It is included in most sports nutrition products, used as a sedative in the form of alcohol tincture, etc. Oat oil normalizes the heart, circulatory system, cholesterol metabolism, restrains the development of atherosclerosis, starch compounds supply energy of the slow type, which allows you to keep blood sugar levels in diabetics and prevent sharp spikes. Flour and rolled oats are used for cosmetic masks. The grain is used to produce flour, tolokno, cereals, groats, cookies, pasta, semi-finished products, beverages — oat milk, alcohol; used in the cosmetics industry (creams, soap), for the production of concentrated and growing succulent fodder; straw — for crafts, in mushroom farming, for introduction into the soil by plowing.
*Specifications may vary slightly, but it’s important to note that these differences will always be within the accepted standards of the international market.