
The increase in the area of cultivation of technical hemp in various climatic zones of Russia testifies to the growing interest in the crop among consumers. The demand for hemp products increases by about 30% every year. The growth of efficiency of hemp production is possible with the help of intensive technology that provides the most favorable conditions for obtaining consistently high yields, corresponding to the current level of development of science and technology.

With the increase of sown areas of industrial hemp there is a high probability of accumulation of pests and diseases accompanying it in the agrocenosis. In the early phases of growth, these are hemp flea beetle and root rots. The phytophage is characterized by the fact that within a short time, when favorable conditions occur, it can mass infest hemp crops by reproduction or migration from the marginal areas of fields and forest belts. The pathogenic mycoflora that causes root disease is widespread in the soil and can cause varying degrees of damage.

It is possible to preserve the harvest and improve the quality of products only with a competent, scientifically based approach to protective measures. The environmentally safe technological method of seed dressing allows to optimize the phytosanitary condition of crops.